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+39 0523.990563 info@cmcpali.it


Spacers: spacer for steel pole, Traversina, spacer for pre-stressed pole, spacer for concrete pole, spacer for wooden pole.


GRIPPLE accessories, GPAK, Gripple Plus, APAK3 metal install (complete).


Tensioner, Gripple tensioner, Universal tool, Girasole tensioner, Star tensioner, tensioner artiglio Dracomet, grillo tensioner.

Anchoring system

Anchoring systems vignard poles, helical anchor, galvanized rod, Gripple GPAKs, rod stop, concrete anchor.

Steel wire

Galvanized wire and special wire for vignard and fences. Filar wire range for vignard - CMC Pali products.

Galvanized rod

Galvanized rod, aveilable in various heights and diameters, a CMC Pali product
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